1. qemu-toolkit-install(7)
  2. qemu-toolkit
  3. qemu-toolkit-install(7)


qemu-toolkit-install - installations instructions for the qemu-toolkit


For this to run, you need at least one physical host running OmniOS or another Illumos-based distro. The host needs to support VT/x extensions to be able to run KVM-based virtualisation. Also, some basic working knowledge of Illumos is of help.


These instructions assume that you install on a clean OmniOS machine. If you use another distribution, your mileage may vary. If you have first-hand experience on other distributions of Illumos, we'd be interested to hear from you!

RVM & Ruby

Install packages needed to build Ruby:

pkg install git autoconf gnu-m4 gnu-make gcc-3 gnu-patch \
lint system/header header-math gnu-coreutils readline \
gnu-binutils gnu-tar developer/linker

Then make sure that you have /usr/sfw/bin in your PATH and that your linker is functional.

Install YAML:

wget http://pyyaml.org/download/libyaml/yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz
tar xzvf yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz
cd yaml-0.1.4
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install

Then Ruby (via RVM):

curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby

Please see the RVM website for more information.


socat is a tool that connects different types of sockets together. The qemu-toolkit toolchain uses it to make VNC and VM monitor available.

wget --no-check-certificate http://bit.ly/TwNMrJ -O socat-
tar xzvf socat-
cd socat-
# PATCH for this to work: cat patch.txt | patch
make install

Note that the above installation only succeeds if you patch socat using this patch:

--- sysincludes.h.orig  2012-09-03 16:59:09.351904279 +0000
+++ sysincludes.h       2012-09-03 16:59:54.388720160 +0000
@@ -131,6 +131,8 @@
 #include <netpacket/packet.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <netinet/if_ether.h>

iSCSI target

If you want to use the machine as iSCSI target (as a storage provider), you'll need to do at least this:

pkg install network/iscsi/target
svcadm enable -r svc:/network/iscsi/target:default

The tools expect a target portal group named frontend. To create it, use something like the following command, where IP must be an TCP/IP address of the host you're doing this for:

itadm create-tpg frontend IP


For qemu to work properly, you must make sure that you have at least as much swap space as you have RAM. Default configuration only gives you 4GB of swap. To fix this, do something like the following: (assumes that you've got 30GB of RAM)

zfs set volsize=30G rpool/swap

Also, perhaps obviously, you will need to load the kvm kernel driver. This is accomplished by

add_drv kvm

You will want to reboot the machine after these two steps for two reasons: Sometimes loading kvm interferes with reboot behaviour, you'll want to know that before you continue. And swap resizing takes effect on reboot only.


Once you've done all this, you're ready to install qemu-toolkit. Simply:

gem install qemu-toolkit

You should now have vmadm and storadm in your path.


Create a block device for your virtual machine. Assuming you want to create it on POOL:

storadm create POOL/myvm 10G

This should create a dataset called POOL/myvm and a subordinate zvol called 'disk1'. Let's connect a virtual machine to that disk:

vmadm create myvm

This will create a configuration file called /etc/qemu-toolkit/myvm.rb. Feel free to edit this. Once you've customized it to your liking, start the virtual machine and boot from an ISO image:

vmadm start myvm --bootiso=ISO

If you're interested in configuring your virtual machine (qemu), please see qemu-toolkit-configuration(7).


qemu-toolkit-overview(7), qemu-toolkit-install(7), qemu-toolkit-configuration(7), storadm(1), vmadm(1), README(7)

  1. November 2012
  2. qemu-toolkit-install(7)